The Lens - Ch 1: The Ascend of Influencer Marketing

Suppose you start a new business, what’s the first channel of marketing you could use to penetrate the market? Your friends & family and their word of mouth within their respective circles. The factor that leads to their contacts to believe them – trust . Now consider you have someone who people look up to, or appreciate for their work in a certain area; such people have been coined as influencers; the obvious origin being their ability to influence the decisions of people. Conventionally these people where patrons of the society, leaders of organizations, clubs or unions and even reputed leaders in respective fields. The modern day definition refers to someone who have a strong social media presence on platforms like Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter. The influencer marketing trend has changed the conceptualization of advertisements. Old fashioned advertisements are a 15-30 second clip of a fairy tale world that the product creates whereas with this new marketing channel, the produ...