The Lens - Ch 2: The Game Changer Campaign
In 1995, Indian Ministry of Health took a strong stance on the ban of advertising liquor and tobacco products. The ban was enforced after extensive research from the Indian Ministry of Health found that cigarettes and liquor have adverse effects on a person's health. Ever since the ban, brands like Blenders Pride, Antiquity, Teachers have been marketing their brand using products like Music CDs, soda and liquor glasses etc. to maintain a presence in the eyes of the customer. Such a campaign is known as "surrogate marketing" . This literally means duplicating the brand image of one product to promote another product by the same brand. With both customers and brands shifting to digital marketing strategies, there was one brand that decided to use this new platform and it's flexibility to establish itself as the top contenders in its domain. This brand is "Dewar's". Dewar's is a blended scotch whiskey brand founded in 1865 by John Dewar Senior an...