
Showing posts with the label Philosphy

More than Just a Childhood Fable

Story telling as an art is as old as the human civilization itself; through cave paintings, our mythological books and of course through recitation. Each generation has used it as a medium to share their life learnings and experiences. We as an individual cannot possibly experience everything ourself to incorporate the lessons accompanied, hence the importance for making sure we extract the knowledge we can from stories.  One such story book which was full of thought-provoking anecdotes I read as a kid was "Aesop's Fable" . It had a story I would like to share from it covers an aspect of human emotion which deserves a space in our life but fading somewhere i.e., gentleness . "The North Wind and the Sun" One fine day, the North Wind and Sun had an argument on who was stronger among them. As they disputed, they saw a traveler passing by wearing a cloak. They reached an agreement that whoever could strip the traveler of its cloak was the stronger. The wind sent out...

Wisdom & Knowedge - Chapter 3 : Right to Choices

As a human we are all entitled to a defined set of human rights accorded to us by the virtue of being humans, among which perhaps the most important include the right to life & liberty and the freedom from discrimination. Most of us can’t even comprehend what it’s like to be discriminated but to a huge section of our society, this is still a luxury. Discrimination on the basis of caste has been a part of our society from centuries, people exempted even from basic human rights & dignity and yes we have come a long way since that but even today it’s prevalent in our society along with a different form of discrimination – one on the basis of choice. Sounds strange, right? But sadly, true; even in the world’s largest democracy people are discriminated and judged by the choice of their romantic partner or rather the choice to not have a partner, choice of profession and even belief (not just religious). We are alright with a public figure being openly gay or choosing to remain unma...

Wisdom & Knowledge - Chapter 1

As a child I had an idea, that education had the power to change everything, you make people aware of a problem in our system and they would work towards solving it. It wasn’t until later that my bubble broke and I was forced to ask the question “ Does knowledge make you wise? ” Contrary to my belief: No. Yes knowledge is one of the greatest tools mankind has been blessed with, the knowledge to read, use tools, develop technologies and what not have brought humanity a long way from where we stood years ago and that’s changing exponentially even today. But we forgot something else we read on our books: the right to equality for all, the right to choose, sustainable development, non-renewable resources to name a few. That’s where wisdom kicks in. Knowledge can make aware; its information whereas wisdom is using that knowledge to make a decision that would serve a goal. It’s same as the difference between a technology being there and the invention which ultimately used the technology. ...




The idea behind social media is to stay connected to people who came in our life at some point of time, keep each other updated on the good & bad things in our lives. But somehow the meanings have changed; it has become a platform to stay in touch with people you are already in touch with. We just scroll through the news feed looking for memes, jokes, gossips and maybe some effective news & that’s all. The only time we stop to see someone’s upload is for the person you are already talking to on a regular basis and comment on their post; and the of course in unconscious likes we drop at every random post out there. Don’t destroy the idea behind social media; connect with people you have lost touch with. Congratulate an old friend when you see his birthday post or admission to a college, console a friend when he posts a heart breaking news of their family, message them if you hear on the news about something bad happening on their side of the world or their job, share with them i...

ज़िन्दगी की सीख

यह मौत ही तो जीने की वजह देती है, कम्भक्त ज़िन्दगी तो चैन से मरने भी नही देगी, ज़माने ने हमेशा यह सिखाया की ज़िंदा कैसे रहना है, पर यह नही बताया की ज़िन्दगी को जीना कैसे है।

Ek Paheli Zindagi ki

यह जवानी का दस्तूर भी कुछ अलग है, उम्र के साथ ज़माने की समाज आती है, पर इस समझ में सचाई खो जाती है, बचपन की शराफत भूल जाती है, गैरों से छोड़ नज़रे खुद से छुपने लगती है, हर मुस्कराहट कुछ दर्द छुपाती है, इंसान खुदगर्ज़ होना शुरू होता है, जिन्हें अपना बोलता है, उन्हें भी डरता है, अपने सपनों के लिए औरों को दर्द देता है, मान लिया की कुछ गुनाहों से दुनिया हसीं बनती है, पर क्या यह कीमत जायज़ थी, किसी के लिए हाँ तो किसी के लिए नही, यह एक पहेली है मेरे दोस्त, पर इसका जवाब मैं नही दूंगा, यह पहेली मैं आप पे छोड़ता हूँ।