
यह मेरा नादान दिल

बारिश में उसके साथ चलने का सुकून ही कुछ अलग था, छतरी पानी की बूँदो से तो बचा लेती थी, पर मेरी रूह जो उसके प्यार में भीग रही थी उसका मैं क्या करता, यूँ तो मैं अकेला रहना पसंद करता था पर उसका मेरा ख्याल रखना पसंद था, सड़क की ओर इशारा कर कहती, " ध्यान से कही फिसल मत जाना", काश कह पाता उस से की मैं तो बिन बारिश के ही फिसल गया था, कभी पानी में  बच्चों को खेलते हुए देखा है, कैसे वो पानी में खेलते कूदते हुए चेहरे पे मुस्कान लिए घूमते है, वो भी कुछ ऐसी ही नदनीयत की साथ खिलखिलाती है, पानी में तैरती हुई कागज़ की कश्ती में भी कुछ अलग सी बात थी, थोड़ी देर के लिए ही सही चेहरे पे मुस्कान लाने की ताक़त थी, पर उस एक पल को दिल में क़ैद कर संभालने की चाहत थी, कही भी जाने से पहले त्यार रहना पसंद था, ऐसा नहीं की उसे इस सबकी ज़रूरत थी, पर उसे ऐसे देखना भी अपने आप में एक सुकून था, शायद यह एहसास आम नहीं था, कुछ अलग था, पर जैसा था अपने आप में पूरा  था, नहीं नहीं, यह अधूरे प्यार की कहानी नहीं है, हर रिश्ता प्यार पे जा पहुँचे यह कोई नियम थोड़ी ना है, यह तो बस मेरी खुशियों को समेट कर रखने की कहानी है। 

The Choices we make....

All through our childhood we were taught stories of how people succeeded, how wars were won, how goals were achieved and in all these lessons we learnt of the sacrifices made, not only for the achievement of their goals but sometimes for the greater good. We learn to make these sacrifices ourselves and hope for the best to come out of it but sometimes it just doesn’t, we start to fear the very grounds we stand, a fear of irrationality. Did we ever ask why? The reason is because when we put everything we've got, our wisdom, our power, and our belief into one thing and still we fail it’s for so long we can lie to our own  conscience . It’s easy to stand on the side lines and wish better luck next time or asking the player to work harder next time without knowing what he went through. Sometimes you just give up, you feel like leaving everything and setting off to someplace without expectations; these are moments when you are too broken to be fixed. The world will always want you to ru...

थोड़ी सी अलग कहानी

कुछ तो ख़ास बात थी उसमे, उसे देख के चेहरे पर मुस्कराहट खुद ब खुद डेरा बसा लेति थी, होठों से नाँव वो बनाती थी पर डूब मैं जाता था, अपने बाल को आज़ाद क्या करा और कैदी मैं हो गया था, उसकी आँखों का रंग तो मुझे आज भी नहीं पता था, पर उनमे चमक लाने के राज़ सारे जानता था, मैं नहीं बता पाता था की तुम पार्लर से आयी हो, क्यूंकि मेरे लिए तो तुम हर पल में सबसे हसीं वैसे ही थी, किसी भी बहस में जीतने की ज़िद्द आज भी रखता हूँ, पर तुमसे बिन कहे  हार जाने को भी ठीक समझता हूँ, मुझे नहीं याद हम पहली बार कब मिले थे, पर वो रात याद है जब तुम्हारे सामने सब राज़ खोल दिए थे, मैं वाकिफ हूँ की मेरी कहानी किसी गाने या कविता जैसी नहीं है, पर इसका अंजाम क्या होगा वो भी तो जानना अभी बाकी है। शायद अधूरी ही रहेगी या अंजाम तक भी पहुँच सकती है, पर जैसी भी होगी इसकी मंज़िल, ये कहानी तो बस मेरी है। 

More than Just a Childhood Fable

Story telling as an art is as old as the human civilization itself; through cave paintings, our mythological books and of course through recitation. Each generation has used it as a medium to share their life learnings and experiences. We as an individual cannot possibly experience everything ourself to incorporate the lessons accompanied, hence the importance for making sure we extract the knowledge we can from stories.  One such story book which was full of thought-provoking anecdotes I read as a kid was "Aesop's Fable" . It had a story I would like to share from it covers an aspect of human emotion which deserves a space in our life but fading somewhere i.e., gentleness . "The North Wind and the Sun" One fine day, the North Wind and Sun had an argument on who was stronger among them. As they disputed, they saw a traveler passing by wearing a cloak. They reached an agreement that whoever could strip the traveler of its cloak was the stronger. The wind sent out...

The Lens - Ch 3: More than just 'CRED'its

Credit card bills had been a treacherous nightmare for most Indians; for the sheer fact that missing a deadline even by day meant paying a hefty fine. But this was a sweet risk when compared to the cashbacks on online payments, discounts on online and offline purchases, complimentary lounges and much more. But then CRED came into the fold, a brand that made this deal more enticing with automatic payment reminders and getting more rewards to pay the bills. And has it been a game changer for all the consumers taking them to the platform in a split second. CRED, founded by Kunal Shah has showcased an exceptional market penetration. Founded in 2018, the company is now valued at close to  $2.2 Billion  with  10 Million+  downloads on Google Playstore and an active user base that constituted to approximately  22% of all credit card consumers  in India.  But what did actually made users to connect with CRED as a consumer? What made it so UNIQUE? 1. ...

The Lens - Ch 2: The Game Changer Campaign

In 1995, Indian Ministry of Health took a strong stance on the ban of advertising liquor and tobacco products. The ban was enforced after extensive research from the Indian Ministry of Health found that cigarettes and liquor have adverse effects on a person's health. Ever since the ban, brands like Blenders Pride, Antiquity, Teachers have been marketing their brand using products like Music CDs, soda and liquor glasses etc. to maintain a presence in the eyes of the customer. Such a campaign is known as  "surrogate marketing" . This literally means duplicating the brand image of one product to promote another product by the same brand. With both customers and brands shifting to digital marketing strategies, there was one brand that decided to use this new platform and it's flexibility to establish itself as the top contenders in its domain. This brand is "Dewar's". Dewar's is a blended scotch whiskey brand founded in 1865 by John Dewar Senior an...

The Lens - Ch 1: The Ascend of Influencer Marketing

Suppose you start a new business, what’s the first channel of marketing you could use to penetrate the market? Your friends & family and their word of mouth within their respective circles. The factor that leads to their contacts to believe them – trust . Now consider you have someone who people look up to, or appreciate for their work in a certain area; such people have been coined as influencers; the obvious origin being their ability to influence the decisions of people. Conventionally these people where patrons of the society, leaders of organizations, clubs or unions and even reputed leaders in respective fields. The modern day definition refers to someone who have a strong social media presence on platforms like Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter. The influencer marketing trend has changed the conceptualization of advertisements. Old fashioned advertisements are a 15-30 second clip of a fairy tale world that the product creates whereas with this new marketing channel, the produ...